WReNNZ Workshop Report Back 25 May 2024
Written by Annemieke Kregting – WReNNZ Committee Member
WReNNZ conducted a successful educational workshop on May 25th at Auckland Zoo. The workshop was well attended and included rehabbers, DOC staff, Kiwi conservationists, scientists, and others from across the country.
The day commenced with an introduction by Mikaylie Wilson and James Chatterton from Auckland Zoo. Attendees were divided into three groups to rotate through the morning sessions, which included Biosecurity with Pauline Nijman, Poopology with Lynn Miller, and Initial Health Assessment with Mikaylie Wilson. Each session was informative, and attendees took diligent notes. The use of the hospital and Massey University's microscopes for Lynn's session was particularly beneficial. Lynn excelled in teaching us how to identify various organisms, parasites, bacteria, and more. Pauline adeptly covered biosecurity issues and scenarios, enhancing our understanding of disease transmission and prevention methods. Revisiting health assessments with Mikaylie was also extremely useful, providing a comprehensive review from beak to toe, including clinical signs of HPAI.
Lunch provided an opportunity for networking and socialising.
The afternoon featured an online session with Veterinarian Baukje Lenting MPI, which discussed the current challenges associated with HPAI. This was followed by an engaging, practical session with Pauline Nijman on prevention and management strategies, highlighted by the use of a toy toucan covered in glitter to demonstrate transmission prevention.
MPI's presentation was informative. DOC veterinarian Rachel Stanley and Grant Matthews provided valuable insights into the global situation with HPAI and answered numerous questions.
The workshop concluded around 5 pm.
Special thanks to all participants for their active involvement and valuable contributions. Your presence and participation made this workshop a success. In particular, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Mikaylie for her efforts in organising the event.